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Show Us Your Collection!

Автор zoNE, на 14й Март 2017, 05:05 PM
Show us your collection!




Other photos: Link.

Patch released! & Happy New Year

Автор Gothuk, на 31й Декабрь 2016, 07:55 PM

Patch has been released!

Taking this opportunity - we would like to wish you all the best in the new 2017 year!
Let the force be with you! :)

By the way - if you don't own Original War yet - you can buy it on the Winter Sale 2016 on Steam for 0,89€!

Changelog (http://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?p=21712)
stucuk Сказал:

  • Added: Editor now has the ability to export the vehicle image to the current mods interface area
  • Added: vehicles.txt - weapons can now use CARGO_SIZE and BASE_WEAPON
  • Added: Siberia and Rocky Pass multiplayer maps
  • Added: Wave Editor in the OW Editor will now generate the wi image
  • Added: "Simple" versions of Multiplayer Maps
  • Added: [MULTIPLAYER] - Add technology restrictions (Issue #259)
  • Added: Alternate Fullscreen mode for Direct Draw Renderer (Issue #298)
  • Added: Add GetMonth to SAIL (Issue #300)
  • Added: Add a UnitBury Event (Issue #301)
  • Added: Add GetHexHeight and GetHexType function's (Issue #315)
  • Added: English Fallback for Lang system (Issue #338)
  • Added: Make Depot/Warehouse distance moddable (Issue #341)
  • Added: Add isEditor constant to Sail (Issue #342)
  • Added: Add LoadPNGOverride (Issue #343)
  • Added: Add timer SAIL command (Issue #345)
  • Added: Weather System (Issue #347)
  • Bug Fix: Save games that used too many references will now load (Some mods saves were affected by this)
  • Bug Fix: Remove All Units button in Editor no longer causes crash
  • Bug Fix: OGL Renderer doesn't create Screenshots with F12
  • Bug Fix: RU13a / AM13a - Side hostility (Issue #219)
  • Bug Fix: RU13a - Constant attacks (Issue #220)
  • Bug Fix: AM15 - Camera centering during cutscene (Issue #224)
  • Bug Fix: [MP MAP FLAGS] - Character spawn (Issue #250)
  • Bug Fix: [INFO BOX] - Text colour incorrect (Issue #252)
  • Bug Fix: [MULTIPLAYER] - Add various climate conditions (Issue #260)
  • Bug Fix: [FOOTBALL] - Height map, terrain (Issue #278)
  • Bug Fix: Mission Report missing numbers (Issue #279)
  • Bug Fix: Ground Animations Path Error (Issue #281)
  • Bug Fix: Environments near edge of map cause access violation (Issue #283)
  • Bug Fix: Editor doesn't remove Base Path from GroundAnims (Issue #284)
  • Bug Fix: OW loads vanilla bin files if mod map doesn't have a bin file (Issue #285)
  • Bug Fix: Secondary objective can't be achieved when enemy destroys a depot in Ru12a (Issue #303)
  • Bug Fix: Legion soldiers hired in Am12 are available in later missions (Issue #306)
  • Bug Fix: Character died medal RU07 (Issue #307)
  • Bug Fix: Ru02 captured breastworks are removed (Issue #309)
  • Bug Fix: Ru06 - Captured American factory still produces vehicles (Issue #310)
  • Bug Fix: Czech/Polish characters can not be written in boxes (Issue #339)
  • Bug Fix: Game never used SAIL Bin files (Issue #340)
  • Bug Fix: Units pause when alot of units are moving (Issue #353)
  • Changed: Waves random number seed is now considered ASync
  • Changed: enablefpscounter can now be used as a parameter for ow_editorOGL.exe and ow_editorDD.exe
  • Changed: Fluent Animation is now forced on
  • Changed: Cargo bay info (Bottom left) now shows as 100/100
  • Changed: Remove Exp Limit for Skirmish Maps (Issue #344)
  • Changed: Make OW Ignore MultiDesc*.wri files which have no contents (Issue #348)
  • Improved: Workshop Synchronisation will now occur when you open the Mod Launcher (Also added more info to it).
  • Improved: Increase number of areas on map in editor (Issue #280)
  • Improved: Make OGL Renderer only update the OGL Texture when something has changed (Issue #351)
  • Improved: Make Scrolling of the main view independed of FPS and Game Speed (Issue #352)

Spanish language

Автор Lengorio, на 8й Май 2016, 09:53 PM
I want to inform everyone that since few days ago Original-war.net and forum apart from being in Polish, Czech, English, French and Russian, is translated completely in Spanish.


With our website in Spanish, people who speak this language can find things what they want easier and hopefully, some people will join our community of OW and we will be more than before!

I will translate other things!

OW Dedicated Servers v2

Автор Antitheus, на 19й Декабрь 2015, 10:37 AM
From today you may play on our dedicated 24/7 servers, which are hosted thanks to Gothuk's kindness. You may choose from four different settings (servers marked as [OWN]):
- Highlands
- Party
- Flags
- Alien Base (CB)

To battle!

OW Dedicated Servers

Автор Antitheus, на 16й Декабрь 2015, 02:01 PM
GGChyba is hosting dedicated servers for you. They should be available for about 10h per day. You may choose between different maps and rules. Also, this action may be supported by other players.
So, enter the multiplayer lobby and play!
If you're eager to arranging your match, you may find players on:
- our FB group
- our forums
- our Steam group
- OW Multiplayer group (newly created)

Feel free to join our Teamspeak 3 24/7 server: original-war.net!

Patch released!

Автор Antitheus, на 1й Декабрь 2015, 05:49 PM
Stucuk Сказал:

Original War has been released.

Added: Make it so mods can change Gallery parts and add new ones (Issue #116)
Added: Add ability to customize SAIL Syntax Highlighting (Issue #120)
Added: When creating new Unit re-use old slots (Issue #130)
Added: Error Log Tick (Issue #149)
Added: Steam Workshop Support (Issue #189)
Bug Fix: Am08 (Issue #6)
Bug Fix: problemy z intrem Ru (Issue #94)
Bug Fix: Am10_cont (Issue #100)
Bug Fix: Ru02 (Issue #103)
Bug Fix: Multiplayer maps (Issue #105)
Bug Fix: Alt tabbing ogl (Issue #106)
Bug Fix: OWOGL re-loads some textures before drawing each frame (Issue #113)
Bug Fix: GrndSec throws error about multiple OW's (Issue #115)
Bug Fix: Clicking on Minimap using OpenGL Renderer doesn't work (Issue #117)
Bug Fix: OW Editor Leaks memory when using Raise/Lower Hex (Issue #118)
Bug Fix: Contaminating scientist (Issue #122)
Bug Fix: Putting driver into sleep with soporific ammunition (Issue #126)
Bug Fix: Invalid Hint Types set in Custom Maps do not show correct image (OGL) (Issue #137)
Bug Fix: OW Editor allows users to create files with non-standard ASCII characters (Issue #145)
Bug Fix: Shift+Exit vehicle bug (Issue #159)
Bug Fix: Am13 (Issue #167)
Bug Fix: Am02 (Issue #168)
Bug Fix: Ru08 (Issue #177)
Bug Fix: Too many Anim Layers (Issue #190)
Bug Fix: Too many Lasers (Issue #191)
Bug Fix: Editor does not display GBI when first imported (Issue #193)
Bug Fix: Arabian Layout bug (Issue #194)
Bug Fix: Am06 - Fixed minor misspelling.
Bug Fix: Am15 - Laggy behaviour was reported
Bug Fix: Ru09 - Fixed minor dialogue error (dialogue string was misspelled)
Changed: Am05 (Issue #45)
Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #156)
Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #157)
Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #158)
Improved: Implement AVI Videos in OpenGL Renderer (Issue #92)
Improved: Points of Siberit detection and shipments on minimap (Issue #128)
Improved: Modify Server to Pause Game when a client requests more than 1 second worth of Ticks (Issue #151)
Improved: Make Randomize SAIL functions unusable in Multiplayer Maps (Issue #160)
Improved: Hide "Include"-section in SAIL editor (Issue #169)
Improved: Increase max environment objects from 1500 to 5000 (Issue #181)
Improved: Make reg_obj2 a dynamic array (Issue #182)

Note: Steam Workshop support requires Bohemia to enable it on their end (Currently only people in the OwarWSGroup can use the workshop).

Spanish language

Автор zoNE, на 8й Июль 2015, 11:16 PM
As of today the Original-war.net website and forum is going to be served in English, Polish, Czech, French, Russian and SPANISH.


Although the only parts of the website that are currently translated are the interface, we will be working on bringing you as many articles of OW.net as possible in Spanish in addition to their English and Polish versions.

All thanks to Lengorio.
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