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Мультиплеер рейтинг

Speedrun (Category: Any% - US Campaign - Alternative Ending)

Any% - US Campaign - Alternative Ending Rules:

1. Time starts on clicking "Run" in the "New Campaign" window with "New Campaign" selected and ends on the main character final dialogue
2. Play on any difficulty and game speed mode you want
3. Timed via RTA (you count loading times, cutscenes etc. to your total run time)
4. Don't use glitches, bugs, cheats and mods
5. Pausing is allowed, but discouraged
6. Save and load is allowed, so long as it's in the same attempt

Category: Any% - US Campaign - Alternative Ending
Позиция Игроки Speedrun time Дата
1 pl zoNE 14s 2019-03-01
2 pl Bren 16s 2021-01-09
3 se feelpowned81 17s 2022-04-13
4 fr JeremyPantziga 22s 2022-05-14
Страница сгенерирована за 1.394 sec
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